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Which Mikko Character Are You?


What type of drink do you prefer the most?

What type of drink do you prefer the most?

Creamy latte coffee

Refreshing lemonade

Sweet strawberry milkshake

Warm hot chocolate


If you could visit a mysterious island, what would you hope to discover there?

If you could visit a mysterious island, what would you hope to discover there?

A luminous beach

A cave filled with treasures

A floating castle in the sky

Singing dolphins


If you could communicate with a magical creature, which would you choose?

If you could communicate with a magical creature, which would you choose?

An owl that can predict the future

An ancient turtle with knowledge of all history

A clever fox that can solve riddles

A butterfly that can interpret dreams


If you could work from home for a day, what kind of work environment would you choose?

If you could work from home for a day, what kind of work environment would you choose?

A quiet study with a cozy chair and ample light.

Working on the living room sofa, enjoying a familial atmosphere.

By the dining table, with snacks easily available.

On the balcony or in the garden, relishing the fresh outdoor air.


What is your favorite seasonal activity?

What is your favorite seasonal activity?

Springtime flower viewing or tree planting

Summertime beach vacations or barbecues

Autumn harvests or fireside tea

Winter skiing or ice skating


For a daily life challenge plan, which one would you select?

For a daily life challenge plan, which one would you select?

Rising early to savor the morning tranquility

Limiting screen time and increasing face-to-face interactions

Engaging in more outdoor activities and exercise

Experimenting with new recipes and cooking techniques


If you could create a "fantasy" room at home, what would you want it to be?

If you could create a "fantasy" room at home, what would you want it to be?

A high-tech lab filled with futuristic gadgets

A vintage detective agency-themed room

A magical library with enchanting elements

A space simulation observation deck