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Natsume's Book of Friends Quiz


If there was a prediction machine, what future scenario would you least want to see?

If there was a prediction machine, what future scenario would you least want to see?

The end of the world.

My own failures and setbacks.

The loss of loved ones.

The decline of human civilization.


If you had the chance to learn a new language, you would choose:

If you had the chance to learn a new language, you would choose:

A widely spoken language, like English or Spanish.

A rare language to explore different cultures.

A language similar to your mother tongue, which is easy to learn.

A language you've always been interested in, regardless of its difficulty.


Someone gave you a mysterious book, and when you opened it, it was filled with unreadable symbols. What would you do?

Someone gave you a mysterious book, and when you opened it, it was filled with unreadable symbols. What would you do?

Try hard to study and figure it out.

Think it’s useless and throw it away.

Put it away and ignore it.

Show it to someone who might understand.


At a friend's gathering, everyone is excitedly discussing a popular movie that you haven't seen. What would you do?

At a friend's gathering, everyone is excitedly discussing a popular movie that you haven't seen. What would you do?

Listen carefully without interrupting.

Change the subject to something you’re interested in.

Admit you haven't seen it and ask them to tell you about it.

Make an excuse to leave and do something else.


If you're woken up at night by noisy neighbors, what would you do?

If you're woken up at night by noisy neighbors, what would you do?

Politely remind them to keep it down.

Put up with it and try to sleep.

Bang on the wall to show your protest.

Call the police.


Your colleague always pushes work onto you. What would you do?

Your colleague always pushes work onto you. What would you do?

Accept it quietly and avoid working with them in the future.

Clearly define roles and refuse unreasonable requests.

Report the situation to your supervisor.

Complain to other colleagues.


You enter a raffle but don't win, while everyone around you does. What do you think?

You enter a raffle but don't win, while everyone around you does. What do you think?

Feel happy for them and don't mind not winning.

A bit disappointed but get over it quickly.

Suspect that the raffle is rigged.

Feel unlucky and very frustrated.


At a dinner party, you find you don't like the food on the table. What would you do?

At a dinner party, you find you don't like the food on the table. What would you do?

Eat a little politely.

Not eat anything, just drink.

Order a dish you like.

Insist on eating, not letting anyone notice.


At a gathering, someone brings up an embarrassing moment from your past. What would you do?

At a gathering, someone brings up an embarrassing moment from your past. What would you do?

Laugh it off and not take it seriously.

Feel embarrassed and change the subject.

Get angry and tell them to stop talking about it.

Make a joke about it and reminisce with everyone.